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Embedding C/C++ into Yazoo: A Neural Network Tutorial

Yazoo was originally intended to be a neural network scripting language, even though it admittedly ended up rather wide of that mark. So it seems fitting to demonstrate Yazoo scripting with a neural network example. This section walks the reader through the process of creating and training a neural network, a sort of crude electronic brain that can nonetheless be taught to perform some impressive tasks. The time-consuming `think' and `learn' routines of our brain will be written in C, and embedded as commands within Yazoo. We will then go through the process of writing and debugging a script to use our network for a simple pattern-matching task, which is what neural networks are good at. Although this tutorial uses bread-and-butter C, we could just as easily have used C++ instead.

Prev: Introduction   Next: Background: neural networks

Last update: July 28, 2013

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