This Help File is sorry to end on an unpleasant note. Yazoo scripts can generate a number of errors, upon compilation and during runtime, and despite all the author's best efforts it can still be a challenge to decipher the exact mechanism that failed. Hopefully, having this dedicated section on goofs and glitches will help remove some of the mystery surrounding error messages, as it gives us the opportunity to enumerate the various possible circumstances around each given error more systematically than we have done so far.
There are four types of error that Yazoo can generate. At the lowest level, errors can be tripped by the linked-list routines that lie at the foundations of Yazoo -- for example, if the computer runs out of memory, or a C routine manhandles a string. The compiler, invoked by compile(), can generate a second set of errors. transform(), which checks the compiled bytecode, returns a third category of error. The fourth category is the runtime errors. Here the transform() errors will be discussed in the section on runtime errors, since their error codes are intermingled.
Yazoo is poorly designed to recover from runtime memory errors. Running out of memory is quite likely to, for example, cause some operation to remain half-completed, or lead to incomplete garbage disposal. The author has not had any problems with memory errors so far, but has not had much opportunity to test them either, so he recommends that if one occurs then Yazoo should probably be restarted.
Last update: July 28, 2013