When Yazoo is run from the command line with argument, as in
user-prompt%./yazoo myfile.zoo
it executes the script "myfile.zoo". (If the filename ends in `.hob' then it will treat it as pre-compiled bytecode -- anything else it treats as a text script.) On the other hand, if no argument is provided, i.e.
user-prompt% ./yazoo
then Yazoo looks for the default script file "start.zoo", or if that is not found, the pre-compiled bytecode file "start.hob". One of these two must be present. The user is of course free to course write his own start-up script. Below we discuss certain relevant contents of the prepackaged start.zoo file, which is what provides Yazoo's interactive command prompt.
Before opening the prompt, the pre-packaged start.zoo tries to run the file "user.zoo" in the user's workspace. Thus the interactive session begins with the user.zoo variables and functions pre-loaded into memory. The author has some ideas of his own about what is useful, which he has written into the provided user.zoo file (and which are explained in this section); but as the name of the file suggests, the user is absolutely encouraged to customize this script to suit his own tastes.
Last update: July 28, 2013